Blood pressure measurement, essential for hypertension

José Polo García, President of Semergen.

The Working Group Arterial hypertension (HTN) and cardiovascular disease (ECV) of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen) has launched the slogan ‘Get hooked on life, take your blood pressure‘, on the occasion of World Hypertension Day celebrated this Tuesday.

The arterial hypertension is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors. Next to cholesterolthe diabetesthe smokingthe obesity y sedentary lifestyle cause an increase in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, myocardial infarction, etc; diseases that today are the first cause of mortality in developed countries.

The correct measurement of blood pressure (BP), the early diagnostic and the treatmentboth pharmacological and non-pharmacological, which includes leading healthier lifestyle habits, can improve control of hypertension, and above all, which is the main objective, reduce patient mortality and morbidity.

During the pandemic for the virus SARS-CoV-2 There have been changes in Primary Care consultations. In March 2020, follow-up of chronic patients was largely discontinued. Family physicians and nurses at the Health Centers had to devote a large part of their time to monitoring patients who contracted the disease. Covid-19 disease. Little by little, with many difficulties, among which are the lack of professionals and the scarcity of time, attention to these patients is being resumed.

Every May 17 since 2005, World Hypertension Day is celebrated, promoted from the World Health Organization (WHO); and that since 2013 has kept alive the same motto: “Know your blood pressure figures”, trying to make the population aware of this silent enemy.

Blood pressure measurement in consultation

The blood pressure measurement in consultation is one of the most used diagnostic techniques and for years we have had another technique, the self-measurement of blood pressure, which is available to patients, they must have previously been informed by their family doctor or nurse. Thus, they will know which devices are validated to do the self-measurement at home, how to perform the technique, number of measurements, etc. Measure of blood pressure in consultation and home self-measurements are essential for proper diagnosis and monitoring of hypertensive patients.
On the other hand, better control of the hypertension with proper treatment is essential to minimize the impact it has on the onset of cardiovascular disease. Early diagnosis, adequate treatment and achieving control goals are essential in hypertensive patients.

For all these reasons, according to Semergen, the blood pressure measurement. The authors of the Semergen Arterial Hypertension (HTA) and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Working Group, Francisco Javier Alonso Moreno, Juan Antonio Divisón Garrote and Vicente Pallarés Carratalá ask citizens to take their blood pressure and to “get hooked on the lifetime”.

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