Reasons to Eat Dark Chocolate After Easter

You probably took advantage of this Easter to taste your favorite chocolates. Depending on the type, the impact on health can be positive or negative. In the case of white chocolate, for example, the nutritional value of the food is almost zero. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, promotes incredible benefits to the body.

The explanation for this is the presence of cocoa. The higher the percentage of it in chocolate, the healthier, darker and more bitter the food. A review published at the end of 2019 in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health pointed out that this type of chocolate has benefits related to anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and vasculotonic actions, points out nutrologist Marcella Garcez, director and professor at the Brazilian Association of Nutrology ( abran).

It would be great if our palate were educated to 100% cocoa. However, the bitterness caused by polyphenols makes unprocessed cocoa beans quite unpleasant. “Manufacturers have developed processing techniques to eliminate bitterness. They created chocolates with less cocoa content (milk, oilseed, bittersweet and white)”, comments Marcella.

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