Blue bruises on the body .. Causes and methods of treatment

05:00 p.m

Monday 04 July 2022


Some people appear blue bruises in the body without reason and easily, what is the reason for that? What are the health conditions that can lead to its emergence?

Bruises, according to, occur when blood gets trapped under the skin, usually as a result of damage to small blood vessels.

A blow, trauma, or something else can suddenly raise pressure on the skin, causing a bruise. Small bruises usually heal within a few days, but a very strong blow can damage the bone, resulting in deep bleeding and bruising that takes several weeks to heal.

Some people may notice the appearance of blue bruises in the body without a reason, or without remembering the main cause of it, and this may not mean that the person has a specific health condition, but a doctor should be consulted if a sudden change in the number of bruises is noticed.

Possible reasons for the appearance of blue bruises in the body for no reason, is that some people tend to bruise easily with age, because the blood vessels become weaker, and the skin becomes thinner, and bruises can appear on the body suddenly as a result of a family history of this condition.

Many health conditions or lifestyle changes can also cause unexplained blue bruises on the body, and may include:

Medications: Blood-thinning medications can cause unexplained bleeding and blue bruising in the body. Some of the most common medications include: Warfarin. Heparin. aspirin; Some treatments can also lead to weak blood vessels, such as herbal remedies such as anise, ginseng, and others, as well as some antidepressants.

Alcohol abuse and liver disease: Alcohol abuse is a major risk factor for liver disease. As liver disease progresses, the liver stops producing proteins that help blood clot, and as a result, blue bruises can appear in the body for no reason.

Bleeding disorders: Several genetic conditions can lead to blood clots, including hemophilia. A genetic bleeding disorder usually causes minor bruising, but a person can bleed excessively or suffer life-threatening bleeding.

Vitamin deficiencies: Certain vitamins can lead to the body’s healing and blood clotting. Vitamin C deficiency can cause a condition known as scurvy. Vitamin K helps the body form clots to stop bleeding. Blue bruises can often appear in the body for no reason in adults due to a lack of Vitamin K.

Vasculitis: Inflammation of the blood vessels causes blue bruises to appear in the body for no reason, and the person may also suffer from shortness of breath, and the appearance of ulcers or lumps on the skin.

Senile purpura: The condition of purpura usually affects the elderly, and causes the appearance of bruises in the body, and often affects the arms and hands, and people who suffer from this condition should be aware of the bruising as soon as it occurs and try to protect the skin from infection, and reduce exposure to sunlight.

Cancer: The appearance of blue bruises on the body without a reason is rarely a sign of cancer, and some types of cancer, such as leukemia, that affect the blood and bone marrow may cause bruises.

Treatment of blood retention under the nails and the necessary first aid. Topics related to body bruises: find out the causes and watch out for the risks

Necessity to consult a doctor

The appearance of blue bruises in the body without a reason is considered a medical emergency if there are large bruises indicating that there is continuous bleeding under the skin, and a doctor should be consulted in the following cases:

If you have other symptoms, such as fever, yellowing of the skin, skin changes or low energy.

If you are taking certain medications and the bruising is increasingly noticeable.

If you have a painful bruise that is slow to heal.

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