Boiling eggs is very dangerous … a poison we eat for our children and we do not know. Beware of boiling eggs in this dangerous way, it will completely destroy the liver

Eggs are one of the most important food necessities every day, especially in the breakfast meal, which helps to build the bones of the body. It is also a high protein that the body cannot do without, especially for vegetarians who do not prefer to eat meat, fish and poultry. It will give them the protein component in these foods instead. The method of boiling eggs is well known to all of us. There is no difficulty in it, but there is a great danger, which is the appropriate period for boiling eggs, and it is very dangerous, and the egg yolk turns into a toxic substance that destroys the liver and digestive system. Here are the details.

The poison in boiled eggs

The methods go beyond cooking eggs between stolen and transported, but it is customary for all Egyptian homes to boil eggs because of avoiding oils and butter that increase cholesterol and increase weight in obese people.

The method of cooking eggs that exceeds half an hour or more turns into a great danger because of the sulfur substance that results in it, which is a toxic substance around the yolk and destroys the egg and the digestive system.

Necessary tips when boiling eggs on the fire the right way

We all know that the method of boiling eggs is that you only have to raise a pot with a quantity of water, then put the eggs and set them on fire to a boiling point, then remove them from the fire after only 15 minutes have expired, and from here lies the danger that many women take by skipping this period Then you have to eat it after it has completely cooled down.

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