“Boost Your Heart Health with Daily Blueberry Consumption: Expert-Backed Reasons and Benefits”

2023-05-08 03:39:00

How eating blueberries promotes cardiovascular health.

Help the heart

How eating blueberries promotes cardiovascular health, you will find out right now.

The fact that this berry significantly reduces blood pressure, improves cognitive function, and also reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, was confirmed by experts from the Chazov National Medical Research Center for Cardiology.

Blueberries are a rich source of polyphenols, which prevent the damaging processes of oxidation and inflammation of cells. They also regulate glucose production, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Eat just 1 teaspoon

In addition, blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation, which is important for the heart.

It contains antioxidants, flavonols, vitamins C and E. These substances help regulate the distribution of cholesterol, thereby preventing the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

For prevention, experts recommend eating 1 teaspoon of these berries a day. Fresh or frozen.

These berries every day

Eat blueberries every day and get all the benefits. It is proved that according to the content of useful microelements, they are real natural biologically active substances.

It was also recorded that the decrease in mean daily blood pressure after 28 days of blueberry intake was 5.6 mm Hg. Art. This effect is comparable to the action of antihypertensive drugs.

There were no significant effects on the main indicators of blood biochemistry (including the lipid spectrum) when blueberries were taken.

#eat #teaspoon #berries #day

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