Boosting Immune System Health: Recognizing, Understanding, and Remedying Low Immunity

2023-12-11 09:33:00

An effective and functioning immune system naturally protects you against pathogens. However, various factors and situations can weaken it. Here are some tips for recognizing low immunity, knowing where to look for the causes and how to remedy them.

Certain periods of life put a strain on our immunity: colds, flu or gastroenteritis come and go, much longer than usual. During seasonal changes, the start of the school year, returning to work after vacation, a change in habits, when daylight begins to fail and days are spent more and more indoors, when Stress persists, in the event of a dietary imbalance, pregnancy, or simply with old age, our natural defenses can weaken. Find out what immunity is, how to recognize the warning signs and some tips for getting it back into shape.

Our immune system, a complex network composed of cells (notably white blood cells), organs, substances and microbiota, is no longer as effective in defending itself against unwanted intruders, foreign agents, viruses, bacteria and parasites. Normally, this system, through so-called non-specific innate immunity, intervenes quickly in the event of an attack, without prior identification of the author of the attack, by evacuating him from the body or killing him. A second type of immunity, acquired or adaptive immunity called specific, specifically targets the pathogen. When this mechanism is weakened, its performance is also reduced. There are certain signs that should alert you.

Several signals can indicate that your natural defenses are at half mast. Getting sick repeatedly, having ENT symptoms, such as a runny nose, sniffling, a scratchy throat or persistent cough can be the first clues. Long-lasting fatigue, whether related to lack of sleep, stress or overwork, lack of energy, or feeling depressed, down or in a low mood, can also be a sign . Slower healing than usual in the event of a wound or cut, or their infection are also indicative. The immune system relies, among other things, on the intestinal microbiota, billions of microorganisms contained in our digestive tract. Thus, recurrent digestive disorders, bloating, even constipation or diarrhea are potentially a sign of a drop in immunity. Generally, the causes but also the solutions – of these ills are found in the person’s lifestyle.

Natural defenses are not invulnerable and, often, it is the lifestyle that influences them. Therefore, for an effective immune system, it is necessary to have a balanced and healthy diet, both in quality and quantity. Food must be varied and provide all the essential micronutrients, neither too little nor in excess, such as vitamins (notably B6, B9, B12, C and D) and minerals (zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium, etc.) . On the contrary, a poor diet risks creating deficiencies. Hydration, restful sleep and physical activities remain the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, and their deficit helps explain compromised defenses. Finally, in the event of a genetic disorder, specific medical conditions, such as diabetes or HIV infection, or certain treatments, the immune system will also be weakened but, in these situations, it will of course require specific care. . In any case, if you have the slightest doubt, consult a health professional, and avoid self-medication, particularly with regard to food supplements, which can prove harmful in the event of excess.


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