Bordères-sur-l’Échez. You’re invited to the theater on Saturday night

This Saturday, March 26, at 9 p.m., salle de la Concorde, the Caravelle company will be within our walls to present the play “De la vigne au throat”.

Planned as a musical and poetic show around wine, “From the grape to the throat” will quickly turn into a crazy conference because of a capricious oenologist who will not follow anything that was planned. The accompanying musician, left to himself, will then have to use all his ingenuity and patience to follow this funny and crazy improvisation.

The audience is unaware of what is going to happen on stage. If some enter into the lecturer’s game, others will really believe they are witnessing an uncontrollable slippage and that is the subtlety of this show.

Play written, directed and performed by Adrien Dalles, accompanied by Roland Abadie, musician and composer, who has already enchanted audiences in Bordeaux, during the centenary of the birth of Georges Brassens. In order to promote access to as many people as possible, the municipality of Bordères has decided that entry will be free for all.

So, go to the theater on Saturday night?

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