Börse Express – Useful tips for creating high-quality photos for an online shop

2024-01-22 22:12:00

  • Increase conversion rate: High-quality photos can help products be better presented and potential customers get a comprehensive idea of ​​what the product actually looks like.
  • Trust: Attractive product photos can increase customers’ trust in the online shop and the products. If the images look professional, customers are more likely to believe the product is of equal quality.
  • Search engine optimization: High-quality photos usually help an online shop’s website be found more easily in search engine results. In addition to quality, an image description and naming of the photos are also important for search engines.
  • Popularity on social networks: Good product photos enable better distribution of products on social media, thereby reaching more potential customers.
  • Branding: High-quality images help your online brand appear more professional and make a better impression.

As you can see, good product photos can create great added value for your online shop. You may be wondering what characteristics these images should have. First of all, you should represent your product realistically. The photo should show the product from different angles and at its actual size. Secondly, the image must be of high quality, that is, the resolution must be high enough. If you’re not sure if your product photos are high-resolution, that’s not a problem. Below we will introduce you to a tool that can be used to create high-quality product photos.

Improving the quality of product photos: How is this possible?

To increase the resolution of photos, special programs and tools called image enlargers or upscalers are used. You can increase the size and resolution of a photo many times in just a few moments. This is made possible through the use of artificial intelligence. This technology recognizes different textures and complements them with new pixels. Of course, their possibilities are not unlimited – you cannot improve a photo that is too blurry with blurry contours. However, if you have average quality photos, with the help of upscalers you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties and reduce noise.

An example of such an AI-driven tool is the image upscaler from Depositphotos. You can download this free tool at find. It can double the size and resolution of JPG and JPEG photos. To use it, first create an account with Depositphotos. Then upload your image and wait for the tool to improve the quality. To assess the changes, you can compare the new image with the original directly on the tool’s website. You can then download the file and use it in your webshop.

This upscaler is very intuitive and therefore suitable for users with different image editing skills. However, don’t just rely on the advanced tools. They should only be used when it is not possible to create new high-quality photos for your online store. Even if you don’t want to turn to professionals, you can still get good product shots. You can find out how to do this in the following section.

This is how you create high-resolution and attractive images for your online shop

You don’t need to be a professional photographer to take good product photos. It is enough to follow a few simple recommendations. If you devote enough time and patience to the process, excellent results will not be long in coming!

You can take good product photos with these tips:

  • Use natural light. Try taking your photos in daylight instead of using artificial light. This ensures a natural and realistic representation of the colors and textures of the product. At the same time, uneven lighting or shadows should be avoided, as this can affect the quality of the image.
  • Take photos with a good camera. This can be a digital SLR camera or a smartphone with good camera function.
  • Use a tripod. This is a real must, especially for beginners. This allows you to keep the camera stable and avoid camera shake.
  • Choose a white or neutral background. Such a background allows the product to stand out and avoid distractions. You should also remove all unnecessary elements in the background. This saves time when editing images.
  • Shoot the product from different angles to show it from all sides. When purchasing from an online shop, the buyer cannot inspect the product in person. It is therefore important that you give your potential customers as complete a picture of the product as possible.
  • Edit your photos. Today, photo editing is easier than ever. You can enhance your photos by adjusting colors and contrast, even in standard mobile apps. Remember that photos should look natural even after editing. Don’t use excessive effects or filters.
  • Be creative. When it comes to product photography, you can take unusual approaches to draw more attention to your products and stand out from your competitors. For example, add accessories to better showcase the product.
  • Conclusion

    Product photos have a direct influence on customers’ purchasing decisions. That’s why it’s important to only publish high-quality photos in the online shop. In order to create good product photos for your online shop, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, the images should be well lit, sharp and high resolution. Second, you should shoot your product from different angles so potential customers can get a better idea of ​​the product’s features. Third, take advantage of online tools like Depositphotos’ image upscaler to improve the quality of your photos. This makes the product photos a real asset for your online shop.

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