Breakdown in the collective bargaining agreement – there could be a strike in Oslo

Oslo municipality is a separate tariff area. This year’s collective agreement is a main settlement, which means that both wages and the terms of the collective agreement will be negotiated.

Late on Tuesday evening, there was a breakdown in the negotiations, and the settlement is now going to mediation.

– Unfortunately, the parties have not succeeded in reaching a negotiated solution, and we therefore need assistance from the Ombudsman, says Harald Nævdal, chief negotiator in Oslo municipality.

Earlier on Tuesday, there was also a breakdown in the negotiations in the state sector.

– Little welcoming attitude

Per Egil Johansen, who is the leader of LO municipality Oslo, says the municipality has shown a less welcoming attitude.

– The fact that Oslo municipality has shown such a stubborn attitude makes me very worried about the upcoming mediation, says Johansen.

Leader of the Oslo Trade Union, Roger Dehlin, says they have worked for krone supplements.

– I am disappointed with the way we have been met by Oslo municipality. This applies to both the size of the offer and the facility. We demand that the entire settlement takes place through collective negotiations at central level, and that wage supplements are given in their entirety on the wage table, he says.

– If we are to avoid a strike, there must be a clear change on the part of Oslo municipality, continues Dehlin.

– Impossible to accept

– It was impossible to accept what Oslo municipality put on the table, says leader Mona Bjørnstad, in YS municipality Oslo and leader of Delta Oslo, in a press release.

She says that in the negotiations they have tried to find good solutions to both our and the employer’s challenges.

YS-Kommune Oslo has, among other things, demanded real wage growth for its members, and that skills and education must pay off in terms of wages. and the raising of supplements for inconvenient working hours.

– Now we are working towards a solution with the help of the mediator, says Bjørnstad.

– Disturbing

Leader of Unio Oslo municipality, Marianne Lange Krogh, believes that it is disturbing that Oslo municipality shows no greater will to find a solution.

– There is a major shortage of qualified employees in many of the municipal services. And this will only worsen in the coming years if you fail to attract and retain the necessary workforce, says Krogh.

This year Unio demanded real wage growth through central wage supplements and prioritization of employees with college and university education.

– God tone

The academics say in a press release that there have been constructive negotiations.

– There has been a good tone and constructive negotiations with Oslo municipality. Unfortunately, we did not arrive at a result that all parties could accept, says Julius Okkenhaug, head of negotiations for the Academics in Oslo municipality.

The academics demanded real wage growth and a change to the wage system for the members in Oslo which ensures them local, collective bargaining.

Now the settlement goes to mediation. If the parties do not reach an agreement by 24:00 on 23 May, there will be a strike in Oslo municipality from the beginning of the working day on 24 May.

#Breakdown #collective #bargaining #agreement #strike #Oslo
2024-05-03 01:29:38

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