Brexit Disillusionment: Grimsby’s Failed Fishing Revival and the Devastating Consequences

2023-07-31 18:34:45

Morose atmosphere in the port of Grimsby, a former flagship of fishing in England. The trawlers have not returned as promised by former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Rising prices and post-Brexit hassles have killed the business.

Before, we received fish from Iceland, we took it out of the containers, we sorted it, weighed it, put it in a box, then exported it to Boulogne. It’s finish. To avoid all the complications related to delays, paperwork, customs clearance, Icelanders began to choose the direct route. The fish leaves Iceland and arrives directly in France, without passing through the United Kingdom”explains Martyn Boyers, manager of the Grimsby fish market.

70% of the inhabitants of this city had believed in the promises of better times and voted for Brexit. Today, it’s time for disenchantment… The promised boost to the local economy has remained a pipe dream.

At the time, there was a lot of talk about reviving the fishery, bringing back the fishing fleet and increasing the number of trawlers. I always said back then it was nonsense, and six years later it’s still nonsense“, adds Martyn Boyers.

#Bitters #Fish #Chips #Bregret #British #regret #Brexit

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