Business creations are still on the rise in France

2023-12-23 08:00:27

Published on Dec 23 2023 at 9:00

On the way to a new record? Despite the deterioration of the economic situation, business creations are in any case still on the rise. In a gloomy economic landscape, nearly 976,000 registrations were recorded during the first eleven months of the year, according to data published this Friday by INSEE. Or 3,635 more than in 2022 over the period.

Calculated over a rolling year, they only increase by a modest 0.7%. But in the end, more than 1 million businesses should emerge over the whole of 2023. And the milestone of 1.08 million reached last year could even be exceeded.

Signs of shortness of breath

After the decline recorded in the first half, the dynamic has indeed picked up again. Over the last three months, and compared to the same period of 2022, the number of registrations increased by 2.4%.

In reality, it could even be that the rebound was stronger, with INSEE once again warning of the fragility of the data collected since January due to the chaotic implementation of the electronic window for business formalities.

In detail, it is always the microenterprises that are driving the movement. Up 3.5% over one year, they represent 62.8% of new entities, while creations of traditional individual businesses fell by 5.5% and those of companies by 2.9%.

In recent months, however, the creation of microenterprises has shown signs of slowing down. In November, registrations fell by 0.7% after a decline of 2.7% in October and 4.9% in September.

Evolution of practices

According to François Hurel, president of the Union of Autoentrepreneurs, this decline has two causes: the first is due to the difficulties in the real estate sector which have dissuaded vocations in this sector. The second would be the result of an evolution of practices.

“Microentrepreneurs are starting to work together. This leads them to look for a different legal form that allows them to deduct their expenses, which they cannot do with the microenterprise,” he explains. But basically, “the overall number of registrations continues to increase. Independent work is increasingly attractive,” he emphasizes.

Increase in failures of young businesses

Those who opt for this regime frequently develop activities linked to the economy of communication and new technologies. A sign of the times, industry is the area where creations – all legal forms combined – are the most dynamic, up 9.2% over twelve months. Conversely, real estate activities showed the sharpest decline (-9.6%).

Mirroring this, the failures of young companies are also numerous. “In France, many companies are created then die because they are too poorly capitalized. For a long time, a minimum capital of 7,500 euros was required. But since the Dutreil law of 2023, you can create a company for 1 euro,” notes Denis Le Bossé, president of the Arc collection firm.

According to the latest data from Altares, defaults of companies less than three years old increased by 30% in the third quarter and 81% of them were immediately liquidated.

#Business #creations #rise #France

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