Can chest pain be caused by anxiety?

Psychological anxiety can cause real chest pain. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

People with anxiety can experience both psychological distress and physical symptoms. Can anxiety cause chest pain? The answer is yes, that is, anxiety can cause chest pain.

Considering that many modern people have anxiety disorders, this is a problem that cannot be ignored. American health media ‘’ introduced why anxiety causes chest pain and how it differs from chest pain caused by a heart attack.

Anxiety-induced chest pain has to do with how our body responds to perceived threats. “The autonomic nervous system that controls involuntary behaviors like the heartbeat has several components, including the sympathetic nervous system that triggers a fight or avoidance response,” said Thea Gallagher, PhD, clinical assistant clinical assistant professor of psychology at New York University Langon Health. It is an alarm system that sounds when it is done or when it recognizes that it is a dangerous situation.”
When this happens, the body releases a variety of ‘excitatory’ chemicals, including cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. This can cause your body to become agitated and experience many symptoms, including shortness of breath, gastrointestinal problems, and chest pain. “Chest pain is a reaction to excitatory chemicals,” says Professor Gallagher.

According to psychologist Alice Clark, when you have anxiety-related chest pain, you may experience the following symptoms:

– shortness of breath
– muscle tension
– sweating
-heart beating very fast

“Chest pain can occur in many ways, including hyperventilation, tightness of the chest muscles, and the effect on the heart from an autonomous threat response to anxiety,” he said. It stays in one area and does not spread to other places.”

Identifying the causes of chest pain can be tricky. Clinical psychologist Dr John Mayer said, “If you’ve had panic attacks in the past and you’re familiar with what anxiety-related chest pain feels like, it’s a different story, but if you’re not sure, you should see a doctor for safety.”

There is a difference between anxiety and chest pain from a heart attack. “Chest pain from an anxiety or panic attack is most common at rest, whereas pain from a heart attack occurs most often when active,” he said. In addition, the pain from a heart attack often travels from the chest to other parts of the body, such as the jaw, shoulders, and arms. On the other hand, chest pain from anxiety stays near the chest. When in doubt, it is wisest to seek medical attention to avoid a serious situation.

If you’re sure you’re experiencing chest pain from anxiety, here are a few ways to deal with it. The important thing is to calm your mind and try to be calm. “Anxiety-related chest pain is usually best alleviated by lowering the threat response,” Clarke said. advised Professor Gallagher says don’t try to fight anxiety or panic attacks. “For many people, panicking can make the situation worse,” he said. “I advise patients to remember that this situation doesn’t last forever.”

Reporter Lee Bo-hyun [email protected]

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