Can people with diabetes eat banh chung during Tet?

– Alcohol should be limited because alcohol can promote hypoglycemia in patients being treated with hypoglycemic drugs.

The following foods should also be limited: rice, fried noodles, noodles, banh chung, bread, potatoes (sweet potatoes, tapioca…), cookies, sweet fruits, Dr. Son said.

In fact, patients can still eat sticky rice and banh chung but note that they should only eat enough, keep the amount of carbohydrates stable during meals, should not eat much. If you eat one eighth of a banh chung, half a bowl of sticky rice, the amount of starch is equivalent to eating a bowl of plain rice.

Similarly, dishes such as bamboo shoots, spring rolls, fried spring rolls, and frozen meat are high in fat, and should be eaten in moderation.

In a day, a person with diabetes can drink about 200ml of beer (half a can of beer), or 70ml of wine (1 small glass of wine) or if drinking homemade sticky rice or strong alcohol like 40-alcoholic vodka, only Can drink about 1 cup of 30ml. Note that this is the amount in a day, so if you drink many times, the patient must divide the amount.

Patients only drink alcohol after eating for a while. If you drink alcohol while intoxicated, there is a risk of hypoglycemia. However, to be on the safe side, patients should avoid alcohol completely.

Patients should use foods with low glycemic index such as: whole grains, brown rice, rye bread, whole wheat bread; non-starchy vegetables: tomatoes, carrots…; fruits such as apples, bananas, grapefruits, plums, pears, kiwis, guava… Eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains not only provides the body with a slow absorption of sugar, but also provides fiber. Helps control blood sugar.

According to the Institute of Nutrition, Tet holiday is often considered a time to rest, but patients need to avoid falling into a state of inactivity, should maintain physical activities as much as possible such as walking when visiting, wishing Tet. , or take advantage of active attention time.

On the contrary, for some people, Tet holiday is too much exercise like temple ceremony… At that time, we should eat enough and maybe eat a little more, bring food to prevent hypoglycemia, foods Products to prevent hypoglycemia can be fruit, candy, or milk cartons.

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