Cantal Heart Failure: Improving Care for Patients in Cantal through Integrated Health Pathway

2024-04-14 09:01:05

Par Marie Boudon
Published on 14 Apr 24 at 11:01 See my news Follow News Cantal

The Henri-Mondor Hospital CenterAurillac is the support establishment for the GHT Cantal which also includes the hospitals of Chaudes-Aigues, Condat, Mauriac, Murat, and Saint-Flour. He has just announced his new health journey: Cantal Heart Failure. An initiative aimed at improving the care of patients with heart failure in the department.

This course, the result of close collaboration between all health stakeholders in the region, aims to identify and treat at-risk patients early and ensure comprehensive and coordinated care for those already diagnosed.

Heart failure in figures

In the department in 2021, among patients aged 40 and over, 1,435 patients were in long-term condition for heart failure. With an average age of 81.3 years, 72.8% of them were aged 75 and over.

A total of 585 patients were hospitalized for heart failure with, in the majority of cases, admission through the emergency room. The overall mortality rate was 27.9% with a rate of 15.4% among non-hospitalized patients and 50.8% among hospitalized patients.

The challenges of building the course

The main objective of this course is to improve the quality and relevance of care provided to patients suffering from heart failure. To achieve this, a key element is the appointment of a course nurse, acting as a referent for all those involved in the course, thus ensuring effective coordination between the different health professionals.

Five major areas for action

The Cantal Heart Failure health pathway is based on comprehensive patient care. It includes not only the specialized management of heart failure, but also the identification and treatment of comorbidities and associated frailties. A Personalized Health Plan is developed for each patient, serving as a guide for care and monitoring.

Remote monitoring of heart failure, integrated into the pathway, allows regular, remote monitoring of patients, thus ensuring increased responsiveness when necessary.

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Territorial tele-expertise allows health professionals in the region to obtain specialized opinions in the field of heart failure management, thus contributing to better management of complex cases.

Regular discussions with healthcare professionals and partners in the pathway aim to identify and resolve treatment issues, thus guaranteeing continuous improvement in the quality of care.

Improving the long-term care offer

Patient health data will be kept to allow in-depth analyzes aimed at identifying the needs of the territory and improving the provision of care, while guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information.

The construction of this course is based on close collaboration with all health professionals in the region, thus highlighting the importance of an integrated and coordinated approach to meet the complex needs of patients with heart failure in Cantal. .

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