Carlos Vermut: Give your opinion, even if it is frivolous and superficial | Television

A few years ago, Hollywood actresses promoted the #askhermore initiative to explain that they were fed up with questions about rags and to demand substance from those covering the red carpets. On Friday, many of those who paraded for the Feroz awards would have paid, and that is saying a lot knowing the precariousness of the sector, to talk only about outfits. Any topic was better than facing the collateral effects of the bomb that had occurred with the publication hours before of an article in this newspaper in which three women claimed to have suffered sexual violence at the hands of the director Carlos Vermut.

The majority opted for unmitigated condemnation, others went through unnecessary gardens, I would like to think that due to a momentary mental short circuit, and there were those who, as Isabel CoixetIn addition to condemning, he asked for calm, context and more information so as not to turn out to be “frivolous and superficial.” Inevitably she and all those who did not rush to give their opinion were accused of being lukewarm because we do not live in good times for peace. We have gone from silence making you complicit to pause prior to reflection putting you under suspicion. It must be pronounced immediately and better if it is emphatic and fits in 280 characters. The important thing is to avoid being singled out, making people think that you are hiding something when you remain silent.

You can admire the meticulous and necessary journalistic work of Gregorio Belinchón, Ana Marcos and Elena Reina, fully support the victims and thank them for their bravery, join any initiative that helps prevent an endemic problem, offer each person who finds themselves in a similar situation your unconditional support, or a gun, a shovel and an alibi, and at the same time show caution before launching a value judgment on a very serious matter of which, supposedly, until a few hours ago you had no knowledge. Reflection should never be under suspicion.

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