Egypt.. Investigations reveal exciting details in the corruption case of the Ministry of Health and resolved the controversy over the minister

Al-Marsad newspaper: In the new case of bribery by the Egyptian Ministry of Health, the investigations acquitted Dr. Hala Zayed, the former Minister of Health, of the accusations she had made in the bribery case, which indicated that there were only 4 accused, who were not among them, and that her former ex-husband used her … Read more

AFC interview with Shui Qingxia: The Chinese women’s football team is strong and hopes that more players will study abroad_Competition_Asia_League

Original title: AFC interview with Shui Qingxia: The Chinese women’s football team is strong and hopes that more players will study abroad On January 13, Beijing time, the AFC officially conducted an exclusive interview with the Chinese women’s football coach Shui Qingxia. In the interview, Shui Qingxia talked about her feelings about taking office as … Read more

According to Stefanos Tsitsipas, “Djokovic sets his own rules”

Asked about the Djokovic affair as part of an event organized by his sponsors, Stefanos Tsitsipas did not hide the bottom of his thoughts. “Djokovic sets his own rules, that’s for sure. He has done something few have dared to do since ATP and Tennis Australia announced certain conditions to enter Australia. Among the players, … Read more

The “Omicron” mutant did not cause pressure on the health system in the country

Sami Abdel Raouf (Dubai)Hussain Al Rand, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Community Protection for Public Health, confirmed that the UAE dealt with the “Covid-19” pandemic to the fullest extent, and succeeded exceptionally in dealing with this pandemic, which made it among the best countries in the world in this aspect. In a … Read more

“I don’t care about Manchester United for 6th!” C Lang is dissatisfied with Manchester United’s record and does not rule out playing in Brazil

“I don’t care about Manchester United for 6th!” C Lang was dissatisfied with Manchester United’s record and did not rule out playing in Brazil Manchester United’s performance this season is lackluster, and the results are not as expected. The ace C Ronaldo is even more rumored to be born. The Portuguese football king was interviewed … Read more

Government bets on anticovid reinforcements and puts pressure on the unvaccinated

Five million people over the age of 50 are missing for the third dose. Vaccination will be mandatory for employees of public establishments. Given the growing circulation of the omicron variant of the coronavirus, which triggered the number of infections in the last three weeks, and is already beginning to be felt in the death … Read more

Novak Djokovic: Why the superstar is now threatened with sanctions in Serbia after the immigration chaos in Australia

The Novak Djokovic case has become more confusing every day. The Serbian’s positive PCR test, in particular, is making waves. According to his own information, Djokovic tested positive for the corona virus on December 16. He later justified his exemption from the compulsory vaccination in Australia. For the next two days after the test, that … Read more

Sarah was infected again with corona 3 weeks after her recovery… How does medicine explain this case?

According to what has become known until now about the Corona virus, infection with it once provides natural immunity in the body for about 3 or 4 months. But what happened with Sarah Younis contradicts what was known about the repeated infection, which experts do not deny that it may occur months after infection with … Read more