‘Catherine Fonck Criticizes the Alcohol Plan’s Insufficient Aspirations and Mentions “Measures”‘

The FPS Public Health is investigating the messages and advertisements related to the sale of alcohol. Sales of strong alcohol to minors aged 16-18 are no longer permitted, while beer and wine are still allowed. Catherine Fonck argues that current rules are inadequate, citing the example of an advertisement on a student campus that she finds ethically unacceptable. The leader of the Engagés believes that all alcohol advertisements should be banned, similar to tobacco and drug products.

The Federal Public Service (FPS) Public Health will have a look at the , the messages transmitted in the slogans. Another measure, it will no longer be authorized to sell strong alcohol to 16-18 year olds. Only beer and wine can still be sold to this age category.

Catherine Fonck recalls that for , there are already rules. “It does not workShe cites, for example, an advertisement on a student campus: ‘To get good points, you have to have good pints’.”It is ethically, I find outrageous, when we talk about health. Well that, pass the ramp today of all the regulations that exist.”


For the group leader of the Engagés, it is necessary “ban (for alcohol), not just five minutes before and five minutes after children’s shows, as they decided.” And to make the comparison with other products: “Would you still imagine for tobacco or a drug? No.”

In conclusion, the Federal Public Service (FPS) Public Health’s decision to review the of strong alcohol and restrict its sale to 16-18 year olds has been welcomed by many. However, some argue that more drastic measures are needed, such as a complete ban on for alcohol. The debate continues, but it is clear that the issue of alcohol consumption and its impact on public health remains a pressing concern. It is up to individuals, policymakers, and society as a whole to take responsibility for promoting responsible drinking and safeguarding public health.

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