Causes and Treatments for Dark Circles Under Eyes: Understanding and Remedies

2023-11-29 03:04:13

I obviously got enough sleep, but why are there still big dark circles under my eyes? Intensivist Huang Xuan posted a popular science article on Facebook. There may be many reasons for the formation of dark circles. Even if you have had enough sleep, the following factors may still cause the appearance of large dark circles:

1. Poor blood circulation in the eyes

Any cause of poor blood circulation around the eyes may lead to the formation of dark circles. For example, allergic rhinitis, nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, etc. may lead to poor blood circulation and microvascular proliferation. In addition, nasal sensitivity may dilate blood vessels in the eyes, which may lead to poor blood circulation in the eyes.

2. Eye edema

Not getting enough sleep, crying, excessive salt intake, edema during menstrual period, late pregnancy, etc. may lead to eye edema and then form dark circles.

3. Pigmentation

It may be related to factors such as sun exposure, inflammation, and genetics. For example, among the genes of Asians or black people, a large proportion of people are born with darker upper and lower eyelids. In addition, nasal sensitivity may dilate blood vessels in the eyes, which may lead to poor blood circulation in the eyes and lead to pigmentation.

4. Genetic factors

People with a family history of dark circles or those with darker skin are more likely to develop dark circles. In addition, Asian and Southeast Asian ethnic groups may have hereditary pigmentation around the eyes.

5. Other reasons

For example, the skin is too thin, which often results in loss of subcutaneous fat or collagen due to aging; or the epidermis is rough, which can be caused by atopic dermatitis, excessive friction, and repeated contact dermatitis.

So, do dark circles under the eyes need treatment? This mainly depends on the “individual needs” and the “severity” of the dark circles. Huang Xuan points out that if dark circles are bothering you about the way you look or feel about yourself, or are caused by a health problem, such as poor circulation or eye edema, then treatment may be a good option.

1. Slight dark circles can be improved through daily maintenance and dietary adjustments, such as:

maintain good living habits

No staying up late, no smoking and no drinking

Supplement more vitamin C

Eye massage

2. Severe dark circles may require medical cosmetic treatments, such as:

Picosecond laser and skin-cleansing laser can be used to treat pigmented dark circles

Collagen booster and five-in-one invisible eye bag surgery are suitable for treating structural dark circles.

These treatments can directly and fundamentally solve the problems around the eyes. Although the cost is relatively high, the results are significant. So, do you need to treat dark circles? Huang Xuan explained that it mainly depends on your personal needs and the severity of dark circles. If you are troubled by your dark circles, it is recommended to seek the advice of a professional doctor in order to choose the most suitable treatment method.

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Further reading:

Mycoplasma is difficult to diagnose!Doctor reveals “1 symptom appears”, suspected clues, unfortunately infected, do this quickly

Mycoplasma is very good at hiding!It is difficult to diagnose a chronic cough. Doctor warns “4 targets” may win the bid

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