CDU Vice demands: heating cost limit for Hartz recipients politics

It takes real courage to initiate this debate!

CDU Vice Carsten Linnemann (45) supports hard-working citizens who are left alone with their skyrocketing energy costs, while Hartz IV recipients are reimbursed not only for their rent but also for their heating costs. Linnemann’s demand on BILD TV: a heating cost limit for support recipients!

The fact is: Germany transfers the heating costs to Hartz IV recipients in addition to the rent. On the other hand, working people with a gas connection have to shiver – or pay their terrible heating bills privately in winter.

An absurdity for Linnemann. He said on BILD TV: “We also have a responsibility to the millions of people who get up at 6 a.m., who still go to work, although in the end 50 percent of taxes and contributions are lost. Without these people, the welfare state in Germany would not exist at all.”

That’s why a heating cost limit for Hartz IV recipients is needed! Linnemann: “What an average family consumes must also be a benchmark for those who receive money from the state.”

The planned Hartz IV increase, which is to be decided in the cabinet today, causes additional trouble (+53 euros). The SPD rejects criticism that low-wage jobs will then become even less attractive.

SPD social expert Martin Rosemann (45): “Employers have it in their hands to ensure that work pays off with reasonable wages.”

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