Challenging images: a scooter driver films himself at more than 110km / h in Brussels

Images widely shared on social networks are rather impressive. An individual filmed himself, in the streets of Brussels, at more than 110 km / h on an electric scooter. It is obviously illegal. What is more surprising, however, is that the sale of these devices is not prohibited.

An electric scooter driver films himself rolling through a tunnel in the capital. He plunges the camera into his speedometer and reaches 112km/h. These images are striking because the speed for such a machine must not exceed 25km/h. This behavior is therefore dangerous both for the user and for other users.

“Most people also don’t have a helmet. This means that in the event of a fall, the consequences are likely to be quite serious. You should also know that these are machines that do not make noise. They risk also to surprise other road users who risk having a less than optimal reaction for road safety”, warns Jean-François Gaillet, director of the road safety knowledge center.

There is no certainty about the quality of tires and brakes

However, the sale of these scooters is legal. On the internet, it is possible to buy all kinds of models that are not homologated. There is therefore no certainty about the quality of the parts. “We do not know if the brakes are of good quality, if the scooter will be able to stop quickly enough at high speed. There is no certainty about the quality of the tires. They can burst if they are underinflated or overinflated. So, compared to the very construction of the scooter, at the level of the welds and all that, we have no certainty about the quality of these components”deplores Jean-François Gaillet.

But be aware that if you buy this type of vehicle, the police may check the maximum speed of the scooter. In the event of an infraction, the vehicle is immediately seized, even if you were not speeding.

In Brussels, more than 1,000 offenses and endangerments have been recorded this year.

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