Chance of injury among athletes is higher in the summer

In the summer, it’s common for people to get into the fitness project or decide to practice some new sport. While physical activity is never a bad idea, it’s important to take care to do it safely. After all, it’s not part of anyone’s planning to get injured on vacation.

In summer, there are opportunities to practice sports that, under normal conditions, people don’t usually do, such as beach volleyball. However, physical educator Carla Arnoni warns that seasonal athletes, people who stayed still during the year and decided to venture out on vacation, can suffer damage when they exercise abruptly.

“When a different physical demand is generated for the body, within a different food and sleep context, it is important to compensate this effort with stretching and mobility exercises”, says Carla.

Simple and punctual stretches reduce muscle tension caused by the physical effort you made. If they are not done, what should be healthy and pleasurable can cause organic problems, such as a muscle strain.

The educator also draws attention to the fatigue that the new activity offers to the season athlete. “Remember that fatigue exposes you both physically and emotionally, and the chance of you being in pain or getting hurt is greatly increased,” she says.

Injuries can occur depending on the activities that the person will practice. If she’s going to take a chance on beach tennis, for example, she can feel her shoulder; if you go to the bicycle exercises, you can feel the knee. In general, the most common injuries are located in the lumbar, hip and knee.

Carla teaches that the individual should stretch and, at first, choose exercises that protect the joints to achieve an increase in the range of motion before getting heavy.

Fun ways to burn calories on summer vacation

  • Stand up paddle;
  • Volleyball;
  • Surfing;
  • Walk;
  • Functional.

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