Chapter 101 of I dedicate it to you on July 7, 2022

Wilson (Pipe Well) He wants to make everything clear with the monkey, that’s why he asks for her forgiveness and hugs her without mentioning that there is resentment in his mind. Meanwhile, she talks about everything that happened to her daughter Manuela (Juliana Velasquez)For her part, the young woman tells him that she is ready for her two jobs, one in a bank and the other as a reggaeton artist.

Don’t stop watching: I dedicate it to you | Chapter 100 | Henry receives scorn from his son

A love idyll lives Brenda (Juanita Molina) with his foreign conquest, he turns out to be the same one coming to sign Wilson to a foreign label.

Libardo listens to all of Rosa’s dramas and decides to help her by giving her lodging for a few days while she fixes her situation and decides where to stay.

It is not a secret that Mónica loves Libardo with all her heart, however, he does not seem to understand what is happening around him, that is why Javier and Brenda go to his aid, but he rejects the idea of ​​going with them. However, they do not give up and Wilson insists on saving his friend from that confinement and sings something to him that brings him back to reality, in turn Javier tells him that he will be a father, something that makes him very happy.

La mona talks to her daughter Manuela about what happened with Wilson and receives wise advice from her, however, the woman is hurt and the rancor leads her to take revenge. That is why the mighty Zully (Valerie Domínguez) meets with Libardo to ask him to cancel Wilson’s contract with the foreign label and to cut all his presentations, literally ending his career. Not happy with her, he also asks her to end Adriana’s contract, something the man doesn’t want to do.

Juan Darío talks to his mother and asks her to help him leave the country, she asks Henry to sign the authorization and the man is destroyed.

See also: Carlos Báez had problems at home for not cooking like in MasterChef

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