Chapter 78 of I Dedicate to You June 1, 2022

After Brenda (Juanita Molina) decided to make a radical change of life in I dedicateBernardo (Rafael Zea) apologizes to Mónica for everything she shouted at her and La Chirris (Caterin Escobar) rejects that Zuly (Valerie Domínguez) wants to help Wilson (pipe good) with a dangerous topic a few days after leaving the country.

Don’t stop watching: I dedicate it to you | Chapter 77 | The radical change of life of Brenda

Crying, Bernardo tries to understand what happened with Elsy and Mónica kisses him after hearing it. Adriana (Diana Holes) expresses to his father the concern he feels because he is working a lot, proposes that they become partners and offers him help.

Manuela (Juliana Velasquez) confesses to her thesis advisor how she feels about him over coffee, confirms that she is single, and Juan Darío asks his mother to stop hurting his father. Javier (Juan Pablo Barragan) and Wilson look for Mónica to clarify what happened with Bernardo, she accepts all the blame and doesn’t want any more questions because she feels confused.

After going to her thesis advisor’s house, Manuela kisses him passionately and suggests that they go to the room. Monica remembers what she has lived with Bernardo, she thinks about calling him and he tries to distract her mind after Javier advised him not to get intense.

Juan Darío proposes to his dad if he can live with him and Adriana, he says he misses him a lot and Henry (Andres Suarez) replies that it would be wonderful. Manuela regrets that she will not be able to be close to her thesis advisor after giving free rein to her feelings and he confesses that she would like to see her again.

Adriana reaffirms that she is committed to Henry and the marriage, so she rules out that something happens with Wilson beyond the stage.

To see again: Pipe Bueno and Luisa Fernanda W confessed if they plan to have more children

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