Check if you have payments receivable from the Guaranteed Minimum Income


This way you can check if you have pending payments of the Guaranteed Minimum Income Subsidy and other state benefits.

© Agency OneCheck if you have pending payments of the Guaranteed Minimum Income

The Guaranteed Minimum Income is financial aid for dependent workers with an ordinary day (that is, more than 30 hours), the subsidy allows workers to increase their income so that a liquid salary of 340,817 can be guaranteed pesos.

To access benefit payments, the following requirements must be met:

– You must be a dependent worker.

– Your contract must be subscribed to the Labor Code.

– Tu gross salary must be less than 452,477 pesos.

– Your contract must have a ordinary working day, that is, more than 30 hours and up to 45 hours weekly.

– Your socioeconomic qualification must be within the range of the 90% according to the Social Registry of Households (RSH).

Those who have already applied and been awarded the benefit can see if they have pending payments that they have not received from the contribution that seeks to guarantee a minimum liquid income. For it There are several platforms, one of them is from BancoEstado.

You did not collect it Bank State

Since 2020, Banco Estado launched the platform You did not charge it, which allows you to find out if you have pending payments of the Guaranteed Minimum Income Subsidy, as well as other state financial aid. To use the platform, you must enter the following Banco Estado website:

Once entered, you must click on “Consult”with which you will be redirected to another platform, where you must click on “Continue”.

Subsequently you must:

  1. Type RUT
  2. Fill out the reCAPTCHA
  3. Click on “Continue”

After this, the platform will show if there are state benefits not collected in person or if there are no pending payments.

The system provides updated information up to the last business day prior to the consultation date.

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