Check your horoscope for April 12, ’24, the zodiac sign in which the star Sri is ‘Aquarius’, the zodiac sign in which the star Kali is in ‘Pisces’.

2024-04-11 23:01:06

Solar time April 12, 2024 lunar period It falls on Friday, the 4th waxing moon of the 5th lunar month, Year of the Dragon, Benjasok, Chula Sakarat 1385. rising sun Time: 6:07 a.m. It’s really noon. Time 12.19 hrs. sunset Time: 6:31 p.m. The moon sets Time: 9:34 p.m.

today Time: 00.00-04.18 hrs. Moon Sawekrittika 3rd auspicious time consists of Joro of auspicious time. Joro means thief, robber, thief. It is an auspicious time that gives meaning to the use of force or the use of power to enforce. Arbitrarily usurp the property of others at 4:19 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. The moon sees Rohini, the 4th auspicious zodiac, consisting of Bhumipalo of the auspicious time. Bhumipalo means the protector of the land. Friday – Sinister and doomsday according to the time of the yoga time 00.00-04.18 hrs. – Can do auspicious things according to the auspicious time on the Joro auspicious category at 04.19 – 16.18 hrs. – Can do all kinds of auspicious things according to the auspicious time on the Bhumipalo auspicious time 16.19 – 24.00 hrs. – Do not do it. Auspicious Auspicious direction – Southeast (southeast), unlucky direction – Payap (northwest). Color of the day – sky blue, auspicious color – pink. Unlucky colors – purple, dok tabaek, black, zodiac sign that the star Sri is in – Aquarius. Zodiac sign that the star Kali is in – Pisces

Born today boy Good appearance, flirtatious, likes to have fun, talkative, has good intelligence, quick thinking and quick reading. Likes to study liberal arts, honest, straightforward, believes in and holds good in oneself, is charitable, aims high, knows how to save. Have a good job position The older you get, the better you will be and have a lot of wealth. girl Have a good appearance, intelligent, strong-willed and determined. From home from the city, self-reliant, likes to study liberal arts. There is someone who gives mercy. Like to work in finance and banking. Various companies and stores singer actor literary works joyful The future is prosperous.

Born on Sunday will receive various fortunes Had the opportunity to meet old colleagues. Old works should be preserved. Should be prudent in spending. Most of the expenses are social taxes and public activities. Investments and provisions should be carefully considered. Will have extra income or get money back There are stories about contracts or correspondence.

Born on Monday There are people who support and help. Will be popular with adults and co-workers. Able to work well with others Can solve immediate problems There is interaction through negotiations and documents. Good financial and property management improves your financial position. There is an opportunity to help other people. People who have families can love each other well.

Born on Tuesday You will have luck. Elders and friends will give you good support. Have the opportunity to meet someone of the opposite sex that you like. Traveling should be careful. Problems will resolve themselves. Will be popular and admired by adults and co-workers. Have the opportunity to use knowledge and abilities appropriate to the job position. Accomplish anything quickly Have the opportunity to study, train and gain additional knowledge.

Born on Wednesday Any business that is undertaken will be as successful as desired. Be careful when signing contract documents as they can easily be deceived. Be diligent in seeking wealth and wealth. You will suffer and lose financial benefits because of your friends and acquaintances. Be careful of gambling, gambling causes loss of results. You will gain wealth from old works and old things.

Born on Thursday You will have good fortune regarding food. You should take good care of your health. Have the opportunity to travel far Life has improved. Will receive support and help from friends. It is trusted by the general public. Will receive support from adults and peers. Will be successful in the work that you are responsible for. Have the opportunity to use the knowledge you have learned.

Born on Friday Have luck with housing There have been improvements in housing. You should listen to the advice of the people around you. There will be travel to attend important activities. Have the opportunity to get to know high level people from different countries. There are adults waiting to help. There is lobbying and coordination. Being weak and imprudent will cause you to spend money unnecessarily.

Born on Saturday enthusiastic You should be careful in making decisions. What do you do to be powerful and successful? Work has improved. Have initiative in work Will be able to work to help society You will be able to associate with new friends who have knowledge and abilities. Lack of restraint or frequent emotional or angry outbursts can easily lead to problems with co-workers.

#Check #horoscope #April #zodiac #sign #star #Sri #Aquarius #zodiac #sign #star #Kali #Pisces

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