2023-12-05 16:50:50
O frango fricassee It’s a recipe that stands out for being tasty, creamy and simple to make, meaning you can prepare it at home. So, see the tips in this article and follow each step to create this dish, in addition, see how to create other variations of the delicacy.
How to make a chicken fricassee?
To make a chicken fricassee, you must first gather the recipe ingredients. In short, the delicacy is one of the tastiest derived from this bird, as it stands out for being a creamy dish, as well as comforting.
The first item on the list that you will need is 500g of breast, while you must cut it into very small cubes.
Next, provide the other ingredients for this chicken recipe so you can prepare it and enjoy it to the fullest, they are:
- 2 spoons of butter;
- 1 medium onion, while you should chop it finely;
- chop 2 cloves of garlic;
- 3 spoons of wheat flour;
- 2 cups of chicken broth;
- 1 cup of milk;
- half a cup of cream;
- 1 cup of sliced champignons, but optional;
- salt to taste;
- pepper also to taste;
- chopped parsley.
These are the items that are part of this recipe that you must provide. Right following gathering the ingredients, it’s time to move on to preparing your fricassee, so read the instructions carefully.

How to season chicken fricassee?
What you should do, first of all, is take the salt and pepper and rub it over the chicken breast. in cubes. Then, take a large pan, place the butter inside and melt it, however, follow the other steps below:
- place the chicken pieces in the pan with butter;
- fry them until golden on all sides, possibly adding more butter;
- remove the chicken from the pan and store it;
- In the same pan, add the onion and garlic and sauté them;
- add the wheat on top of the onion and garlic while stirring them well;
- Add the chicken broth and milk to the mixture and continue stirring;
- add the cream, stir well to form a thick sauce;
- add the chicken cubes that you saved to the mixture, as well as the mushrooms;
- let it cook for a few minutes until it is ready.
Now just take the pan off the heat and serve your fricassee with rice. Furthermore, mashed potatoes, as well as other pastas, are great options to accompany your delicious chicken recipe.

Tips for creating other hashbrown recipes
To create other easy pressure cooker chicken recipes, you can add different cuts of chicken.
In short, a good option for this is the thigh, as it has a lot of meat and is one of the tastiest parts, in addition, choose:
- vegetables to your taste, such as carrots, peas, and others;
- herbs and spices of various types;
- replace chicken broth with other types of sauces to your taste;
- For a creamier touch, add your favorite cheese.
There are some tips for assembling your fricassee, in addition, if you like something more citrusy, choose to add lemon juice or zest.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that you can feel free to experiment. So, choose items that suit your taste and dare to create something new.
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