Chihara Junior, in front of Masatoshi Hamada’s dressing room, “The people involved are lining up!” “Everyone from each station will be thinking about the future.” | ORICON NEWS

2024-01-14 04:53:00
On the 14th, Chihara Junior of the comedy duo Chihara Brothers appeared on the ABEMA news program “ABEMA News Show” (every Sunday at noon) where he serves as MC. He revealed what happened when he visited the dressing room of Masatoshi Hamada, the partner of Downtown’s Hitoshi Matsumoto, who has taken a hiatus from his entertainment career. Suspicions of sexual activity surrounding Matsumoto were reported on “Bunshun Online”, which was broadcast on December 26th last year, and “Weekly Bunshun”, which was released on the 27th. Yoshimoto Kogyo issued a statement saying, “There are no such facts, and this article significantly lowers the social reputation of the talent in question and damages his reputation.” “We plan to consider legal measures.” Bunshun said, “We have confidence in the article.”

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In the “ABEMA News Show”, Yoichi Masuzoe, who has experience as the governor of Tokyo, and Kensuke Miyazaki, a former member of the House of Representatives, will introduce their views on Matsumoto’s suspension of activities and the media coverage. When Chihara was asked for her opinion, she said, “Well, it’s a big deal…” and “The day before yesterday, I worked with Mr. Hamada (Masatoshi), and we talked for a little while backstage.” I looked back.

He went on to say, “The actual recording (of the program) was just as usual, a fun variety show recording,” but added, “After the recording, I was thinking of going to say hello to (Hamada), but I was met in front of Hamada’s dressing room. People are swarming! People are lining up! I guess the people at each station are going to do this in the future,” he said, making people laugh by comparing the line to “Ramen Jiro on Yamate Street.”

#Chihara #Junior #front #Masatoshi #Hamadas #dressing #room #people #involved #lining #station #thinking #future #ORICON #NEWS

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