China|People’s Congress proposes to reduce the proportion of English teaching Ministry of Education: Foreign language class hours are lower than other subjects

China|People’s Congress proposes to reduce the proportion of English teaching Ministry of Education: Foreign language class hours are lower than other subjects

At the National Two Sessions held in March this year, a representative of the National People’s Congress proposed to reduce the proportion of English teaching examinations to build cultural pride and cultural confidence. The Ministry of Education responded on Friday, saying that the proportion of foreign language classes in primary and secondary schools has fallen below that of subjects such as Chinese, physical education and art.

According to the reply from the Ministry of Education, some deputies proposed at the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress that the proportion of English teaching should be reduced and the proportion of English in the examinations should be reduced. Describing the current situation as “to the extent that it is even a little deformed”.

The suggestion of the National People’s Congress also mentioned that the time spent in English teaching should be used to increase or increase the teaching of traditional Chinese culture, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so that children can be exposed to Chinese culture at a critical time when their world outlook is formed. It increases cultural pride and cultural self-confidence.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education pointed out on Friday that the proportion of foreign language class hours in primary and secondary schools is currently lower than that of Chinese and other subjects. Specifically, the “Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan (2022 Edition)” stipulates that the proportion of class hours for each subject is: Chinese 20%-22%, mathematics 13%-15%, physical education and health 10%-11%, foreign language 6%-8 %. Foreign language class hours are significantly lower than Chinese, mathematics, physical education, art and other subjects.

The Ministry of Education reiterated that the current arrangement of the unified foreign language examination is determined in accordance with the top-level design of the reform of the college entrance examination by the central government, emphasizing that the authorities attach great importance to the reform of the content of the college entrance examination. system.

The Ministry of Education stated that the next step will be to strengthen the curriculum training and implementation guidance for primary and secondary schools, organize the revision of textbooks for compulsory education, continue to promote the implementation of the construction plan for textbooks for colleges, primary and secondary schools, and the management methods for college textbooks, deepen the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, and further strengthen the Chinese tradition of excellence. Cultural education guides students to strengthen their cultural self-confidence and consciously promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

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