Chonburi covids are still rising! 1,390 new infections, 5,378 ATK results.

March 28, 2022 – The Chonburi Provincial Public Health Office reported that 1,390 new cases of COVID-19 were reported today (confirmed RT-PCR cases).

1. People who live in Rayong came to receive treatment in Chonburi Province, 70 cases, collecting 4,386 cases, and other provinces, collecting 1,349 cases.

2. CLUSTER Thai NOK Co., Ltd. 11 cases, Mueang Chonburi District, collecting 65 cases

3.CLUSTER AGC Automotive (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 5 cases, Mueang Chonburi District, collecting 27 cases

4.CLUSTER Toyota Gosei (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 7 cases, Phan Thong District, collecting 66 cases

5. Risky occupation, meeting a lot of 19 people

6. 41 medical personnel

7. Provide 3 travel history from other provinces as follows: Chiang Mai Province 1 case, Samut Songkhram Province 1 case, Nakhon Ratchasima Province 1 case.

8. Touch the confirmed patient 325 family members, 61 workplaces, 73 close personalities, 1 party

9. Touch the confirmed patient (under investigation) 34 cases

10. Under investigation, 740 cases

As of March 28, 2022, Chonburi Province There are 928,959 people who have been vaccinated with 3 injections, which this month. There are 7,353 people who have completed 3 injections of vaccination (morbidity rate 791.53 per 100,000 population), 5 deaths (0.54 per 100,000 population), 4 intubation (0.43 per 100,000 population), 8 pneumonia (0.86). per hundred thousand population)

There are 1,904,004 people who have been vaccinated with 2 injections, which this month. People who have completed 2 vaccinations, 10,630 infected (Sickness rate 558.30 per 100,000 population), 23 deaths (1.21 per 100,000 population), 14 intubation (0.74 per 100,000 population), 23 pneumonia (1.21). per hundred thousand population)

As for those who received only one dose of vaccination, 132,160 and did not vaccinate another 292,909 people, a total of 425,069 people. This month, 15,239 people who have not been vaccinated and have not been vaccinated (sick rate 3585.07 per 100,000 population), 55 deaths (12.94 per 100,000 population), 11 intubation (2.59 per 100,000 population), 52 pneumonia (12.23 per 100,000 population)

Today, one new death was found (aged 86). The cause of death was being an elderly person have a history of contact with confirmed patients in the family (No vaccination history found), therefore, complete vaccination criteria, that is, must be immunized with the third dose. will help reduce the severity of COVID-19 People who live in Chonburi should be vaccinated against COVID-19, especially the elderly and those with congenital diseases pregnant woman due to COVID-19 infection who have not yet been vaccinated or incomplete vaccinations are more likely to have severe symptoms than those who have completed the vaccination criteria. which leads to death from COVID-19 and the elderly person with underlying disease pregnant woman will have more symptoms than other groups.

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