Cicpc captures four false dentists in Upata

They did not have the academic training or the records to practice the profession.

Four people were arrested in different procedures carried out by the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), Upata Municipal Delegation, in Bolívar state.

In the first procedure, three people from the same family were apprehended for performing dental work such as extractions, cleanings, preparation and installation of dental pieces and dental reconstruction, without having any type of academic preparation, nor the permit approved by the corresponding entities, detailed the national director of the Cicpc, Commissioner Douglas Rico.

The detainees who were identified as HV Díaz González (60), and his two sons, HC Díaz Sifontes (35) and EV Díaz Sifontes (37), were in the 23 de Enero sector where they had an office called Exceledent.

Rico explained that the fourth arrest took place in Casco Central, where HD Pazmiño Yépez (32), had a clandestine dental laboratory, because he did not have the academic training, permits or records to perform his duties.

Pazmiño performed dental and orthodontic treatments.

In both procedures, the authorities seized acid syringes, lidocaine, dental prosthesis workshop, sets of separating bands for dental cleaning, two liquid dental cleaning resins, celluloid hooks, dental prosthesis wires, brackets, cleaning catalyst, double hook pliers, mouth mirrors, fasting forceps for orthodontic use, two dental units, chair contents, lamps, compressors and water turbines, among other things.

Both cases were referred to the disposition of the First Prosecutor of the Public Ministry.

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