Circovirus HCirV-1: a new virus that infects the liver identified in France, should we be worried?

A new virus infected a 61-year-old patient and caused her hepatitis. It is the first pathogenic circovirus for humans. Should we be worried about it? We take stock.

A rare find. An unknown virus, from the family of circoviruswas recently identified by French scientists in a 61-year-old woman, tentatively baptized Human Circovirus 1 (HCirV-1). After this discovery, the researchers developed a test PCR intended to detect the patients concerned as quickly as possible.

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An unknown virus identified in France: what is HCirV-1, the first pathogenic circovirus for humans?

A case rare

The latter has been analyzed and studied by several researchers in France from the Institut Pasteur, the Necker-Enfants Malade AP-HP hospital, Inserm within the Imagine Institute, the University of Paris Cité and the Ecole National Veterinary Authority of Alfort (EnvA). The results of this discovery were published in the journal Emerging Infectious DiseasesJanuary 3, 2023.

This is a rare case for several reasons: first, because it is the first pathogenic circovirus for humans.

Then, because if the passage of animal viruses to humans is regularly reported in the scientific literature, “it is rare for a new virus to be identified in Europe in a patient“, emphasizes the Pasteur Institute.

Worrying consequences on health?

Human Circovirus 1 could cause hepatitis in humans, responsible for liver damage and death of liver cells.

Hepatitis is a disease that is often asymptomatic or gives mild symptoms and not very specific like:

  • Tiredness
  • Loss of appetite (and therefore weight loss)
  • Sometimes a slight fever
  • A feeling of unease
  • Rarely, fluid in the abdomen (ascites)
  • When it is at a very advanced stage: liver failure, jaundice…

The 61-year-old patient was asymptomatic with the exception of weight loss but without severity.

For the time being, only one case has been declared in France and it isan isolated case. The authorities therefore do not seem to be alarmed.

Same speech on the side of the epidemiologist Antoine Flahault, for whom there is no no reason to be alarmed because of the particular profile of the patient. “We should not worry about the discovery of a single case in a patient, moreover at thevery special immunity“, he says to BFM TV.

Researchers believe that there is “no epidemic in sight“. Something to reassure.

What is a circovirus?

Circoviruses are single-stranded DNA virus Who infect mainly the birds and the porcs, although some dogs also served as hosts. They can cause respiratory, kidney or reproductive problems.

There are about 50 different species.

Read also :
UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. Should HCirV-1, this new unknown virus identified in France, be of concern?

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