Citizens fear more cases after a serious case

– It is scary that it can be dangerous to go out on the roads.

That’s what Jonathan Nør Lassen says when Nordjyske meets him in the parking lot, where one or more perpetrators turned on a chainsaw late on Sunday evening and felled a birch tree across the road.

He had planned to park the car and go for a walk by Store Blåkilde.

– It occurred to me when I was driving out here that I had read that it had also happened in North Jutland with felled trees on the roads. When I got to the parking lot, I could see that there was a police cordon on the tree and photographers working with cameras.

– I hope that it is an isolated case and not something that will happen again, he says.

A similar case in Zealand

He also says that it brings to mind a very serious case from Zealand in March, where a 55-year-old man was killed. A large tree was felled and fell into the man’s car.

Karsten Bjerregaard, whom Nordjyske meets barely two kilometers from the parking lot, also hopes that there will be no more cases.

But he fears that could happen.

– It’s crazy that you can think of doing it. It is apparently a trend that this is what you are doing right now. I can be nervous that there may be more, he says.

Karsten Bjerregaard fears that there may be more cases.
Photo: Lars Pauli

However, this does not make him generally unsafe to venture out on the roads.

– But when it comes so close, you may well think about it the next time you drive through the forest.

Several felled trees

The police are taking the matter of the felled tree beyond Møldrupvej at Store Blåkilde Parking between Skørping and Astrup very seriously.

The car park is right near Madum Sø.

On Sunday evening, a female motorist managed to stop her car in time. However, she did not manage to warn the oncoming driver who drove into the tree.

The oncoming driver was not injured, but his car was damaged.

During Monday, it emerged that several felled poles and trees in the area close to the car park were included in the police investigation.

However, none of them have fallen over a road.

The police do not write which poles and trees are in question.

During the weekend, several fence posts at Lilian Kristensen’s cow paddock were sawn over. The same applies to the tree behind.
Photo: Lars Pauli

But Lilian Kristensen, who lives seven kilometers from the parking lot, has experienced that several of the fence posts for her cowshed were sawn over during the weekend, she tells TV 2.

In addition, Arden School’s new play tower has been vandalized during the past week, they write on Facebook.

also read

Not the only case: Several reports about over-sawed trees and poles in the area

also read

New tree has been felled over the carriageway – this time in North Jutland

2024-04-01 13:21:23
#Citizens #fear #cases #case

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