Classified as the rudest scene in the history of Arab cinema when the scene turned into reality because of what happened behind the scenes of the movie Birds of the Nile starring Abeer Sabri and Fathi Abdel Wahab

2023-04-21 05:14:36

Events developed in the series Jamila, especially with the approach of the final episode, of the series, which many social media pioneers interacted with, as the series discusses many problems facing many families, and the impact of betrayal, whether by a life partner or friends.

The events of the series revolve around the struggles that Jamila faces, whose role is embodied by the artist, Reham Hajjaj, and her family, especially after her parents wrote the entire inheritance to her.

Hisham tries to convince Nermin that killing Jamila’s husband, Ziad, whose role is embodied by the artist Hani Adel, is the only solution.

It also included the twenty-ninth episode, Abeer Sabry’s attempt to show Jamila’s hatred and malice, as Hisham assured her that she married him so that he would be an analyst and return to her, but he does not want her, and all he cares about is Jamila and the health of the fetus.

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