Clean Dust From Your Furniture With These Simple Tips

Dusting furniture can be a somewhat tedious task. You see dust collecting in your house, you clean it up, and all of a sudden the dust comes back. It’s easy to give up and want to ignore the powder, but we can assure you that it’s not a great idea. Dust is made up of a combination of different elements: skin cells, animal hair and fur, dirt, pollen and other intrusive elements. No one wants these things cluttering up your house. So, follow these cleaning tips, from the professionals, and eliminate it completely.

Why is it important to remove dust?

Why is it important to remove dust?

© homify / homify
Why is it important to remove dust?

The components of the dust particles vary. It’s likely a combination of dead human skin cells, hair, and pet dander. But there are also much more dangerous components, such as insects, that can live in the dust. As the dust accumulates, more intrusive elements are combined. Many of them caused coughing, irritation, sneezing. Also a heavy layer of dust can make a beautiful piece of furniture look ugly and unkempt.

How to dust correctly?

How to dust correctly?

How to dust correctly?

Dust each piece of furniture one at a time. Start by removing everything that is outside of the furniture. Take your dusting cloth and give the furniture a good wipe down. These are specialized microfiber cloths made to attract and hold dust particles. Dust your items Don’t just dust your furniture! Take your furniture items and dust each one with a separate dusting cloth. Clean the area around your furniture It’s also a good idea to take another dusting cloth and wipe down the sides, front, and bottom of your furniture.

Additional Dusting Tips

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Additional Dusting Tips

© homify / kababie arquitectos
Additional Dusting Tips

Ideally, you should dust your house regularly. If you don’t dust every week, you should at least dust every two weeks. The items you clean deeply are the least noticeable. This includes window frames, door frames, behind furniture, under beds, walls, and the fan. You should regularly clean the areas that collect dust quickly and the most noticeable parts of the home. This includes furniture in the living room, bedroom, bathroom, dining room, and kitchen.

How to prevent dust?

How to prevent dust?

© homify / GLR Arquitectos
How to prevent dust?

While most dust comes from human skin and hair, you can avoid intrusive outside particles like pollen. Seal your doors, windows and vents. Lay out a mat with bristles that will catch excess dirt from shoes. Never walk around your house in shoes; leave them outside or by the door before entering. It should also have as little clutter as possible. The powder can stick to just about anything.

Why not use feather dusters or dusting sprays?

Why not use feather dusters or dusting sprays?

© homify / Concept Architecture Workshop
Why not use feather dusters or dusting sprays?

Dusters are great at removing dust, but they’re not as good at preventing dust. Well, some dust sticks to the duster, and many dust particles continue to float in the air and migrate to other places in your home. Therefore, it is better to use a cloth, which is much more effective.

More cleaning ideas at: 11 tips to clean a big house and make your life easier!

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