Coal power capacity price mechanism “boots in” The thermal power industry is expected to usher in a revaluation

2023-11-13 03:30:01

The coal power capacity price mechanism is “on the ground”, a research report from China Merchants Securities stated, which will further stabilize industry expectations and increase enthusiasm for power generation. With the rapid development of new energy, there is an urgent need for coal power to play a supporting and regulating role to ensure safe and stable supply of electricity. Under the single electricity price mechanism, it is difficult for coal-fired power companies to fully recover costs. In addition, high coal prices in recent years have led to severe losses among thermal power companies, leading to unstable industry expectations and declining enthusiasm for power generation. The introduction of the coal power capacity price mechanism comes at the right time. It will help power generation companies recover part or all of their fixed costs, stabilize coal power profit expectations, and the thermal power industry is expected to usher in a revaluation.

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