Colds, COPD, allergies, asthma: when to consult and how to calm your cough?

2023-12-22 10:28:35

Thanks to Dr Philippe Mattmann, general practitioner, phytotherapist, author of The Great Book for Natural Care (Eyrolles), and to Dr Jerôme Lesniak, ENT-allergist.

A slightly wet cough a few days – or even a few weeks – after a cold? This is normal and can be treated well. On the other hand, when the spells persist over time, it is better to investigate in order to find a suitable treatment.

Runny nose and coughing fits: what treatment?

It smells like “rhub”, probably caused by a virus. Nasal secretions – intended to eliminate the intruder – flow into the back of the throat and cause irritation, the production of mucus… We cough (sometimes a little oily) to evacuate all these little people.

Good reflexes to relieve coughs linked to colds

Drinking plenty of water and/or hot drinks such as green tea or herbal teas, which also have a soothing effect on the trachea, makes evacuation easier. At the same time, washing your nose three times a day with physiological serum or an Actisoufre type spray (sulfur is antiviral) limits the flow into the throat. We also think about humidifying the air in the house using a diffuser (or simply a dish filled with water near the radiators) because dry air aggravates irritation.

What medications to treat coughs related to colds?

If we do not take vitamin D daily, let’s get started. And if we are already taking it, we increase the dose to reach 2000 IU/day in order to boost our immunity and shorten the seizure. Beware of chemical molecules in syrups and lozenges: their effectiveness is not really greater than that of a placebo, and taking them induces quite a few side effects (wrong paths, drowsiness, pain, etc.). If we can’t really do without it, we favor dextrometorphan syrups (Tussidane, Humex Dry cough, etc.), which are less problematic.

What natural solution to calm coughs linked to colds?

Honey, as effective as anti-cough syrups according to several studies – including an Israeli study published in the journal Pediatrics -, but without side effects (if possible thyme honey, for its antiseptic qualities). A spoonful to add to a hot drink or to swallow before bed. We stock up on vitamin C through fresh fruits and vegetables such as kiwi, or through tablets (500 mg 3 to 4 times a day), if the cough prevents us from sleeping and we are exhausted during the day. A good grog, with honey, lemon juice and anti-infective cloves, also works. As for herbal teas, we favor mucilage plants (plantain, ivy, marshmallow, white broth) which promote the evacuation of secretions but we avoid echinacea, willow, or meadowsweet: they block the inflammatory reaction which helps defend against the virus.

I have a cough and am short of breath: what treatment?

Alert ! If you have had attacks of dry cough for several months and are out of breath even when going up two floors, with lasting fatigue, it could be chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which mainly affects smokers but not only (you may also have been exposed to a lot of pollution and toxic products). Also be careful if you have a series of bronchitis: chronic inflammation of the bronchi can explain the systematic superinfection. If we wheeze and spit, we also think of asthma.

Good reflexes to relieve cough linked to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Get help to stop smoking without delay because each lit cigarette further destroys our respiratory capacity. You must consult an allergist or pulmonologist who will carry out tests by measuring respiratory volume and flow to confirm the diagnosis. Getting (re)moving, even just 20 to 30 minutes of walking a day, is important to reduce inflammation and improve the condition of the bronchi, while a sedentary lifestyle worsens breathing difficulties.

What medications to treat cough linked to COPD?

Most often bronchodilators (such as salbutamol/Ventolin®), sometimes combined with corticosteroids (to be inhaled through the mouth) help reduce inflammation of the bronchi. To be taken every day as a basic treatment for asthma or COPD.

What natural solution to calm cough linked to COPD?

Be careful with essential oils on already irritated bronchi. Breathing exercises (to be learned with a respiratory physiotherapist) help in the event of a crisis to clear the bronchi and regain your breath. Also useful for learning to calm coughing fits. Anything that helps you better manage your breathing is also good to take: sophrology, cardiac coherence, yoga…

I cough especially at the beginning of spring…

You should think about pollen allergies, especially if the cough is accompanied by itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, etc.

Anticipate the return of pollen – thanks to the sites or or the Pollen Alert app – allows you to adapt to peak periods: limiting walks and outdoor sports, airing early in the morning or after 9 p.m., rinsing your face and hair when you get home. We also hunt down anything that irritates the respiratory system: candles, incense, home fragrances, diffused EO, household sprays… It’s also worth it. make an appointment with an allergist in order to check what we are reacting to and how to get relief: the earlier we start, the less risk we have of worsening symptoms (asthma, etc.).

What medications to calm allergy-related cough?

Antihistamines calm all symptoms, especially cough. You can also opt for a dry cough syrup such as Helicidin, which is calming and well tolerated.

What natural solution to calm allergy-related coughs?

Generally, caution with plants and EOs (especially dry inhalation) if you have an allergic condition, always seek the advice of the pharmacist or doctor. There is little risk with 1 drop of red myrtle (antispasmodic to calm the fits) + 1 g of evergreen cypress (expectorant) in a tsp. teaspoon of honey, 3 times a day for 5 days (not recommended in cases of hormonal cancer or fibroids/mastosis).

Read also

How to use honey to fight cough? Which herbal tea to treat cough naturally?
#Colds #COPD #allergies #asthma #consult #calm #cough

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