These professions which will soon be able to benefit from free parking

2023-10-27 14:50:26

Their caduceus is not always sufficient to ensure free access. Whether they are nurses, physiotherapists or doctors, these health professionals do not always have the opportunity to park where they want and when they want. In many French cities, they even have to pay for their parking, sometimes benefiting from a preferential rate but without any totem of immunity. In Rennes, they will soon be exempt from paying for parking. And they are not alone. The socialist municipality has just approved completely free parking for carers working with the elderly or disabled people. These particularly sought-after workers will thus be able to park wherever they wish without having to worry about the parking meter. “It’s not much but it’s a way to attract professionals in this direction,” says Valérie Faucheux, mobility assistant.

Presented to the municipal council, this “cleaning up” of the parking regulations will also allow driving schools and funeral directors to benefit from a preferential rate of 3 euros per day. As for people with disabilities, you will simply have to make a declaration to the town hall so that your car is “recognized” by “Lapi” type vehicles for “automated reading of license plates” which will be deployed from month of January. Because if until now the agents could show clemency at the sight of a caduceus, the cars responsible for drawing up the tickets will not have the same politeness.

Entrusted to the public authority Citedia, the management of these cars sometimes criticized as “PV sulphators” should make it possible to reduce the fraud rate, which is estimated at around 30%. The 14 public highway surveillance officers (ASVP) will be redeployed within the new anti-incivility brigade. In 2022, revenue linked to post-parking packages amounted to 1.9 million euros for the Rennes metropolis.

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