Moving several times during childhood greatly increases the risk of developing depression

A study of over a million Danes revealed that people who relocated more than once between ages 10 and 15 were 61% more likely to experience depression as adults. This factor holds even greater influence than poverty. Mental health disorders are on the rise globally. In 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 13% … Read more

“Solidarity Economy: passage towards fraternity…” Bernard Devert

Every month, find on Lyon Demain, the editorial of Bernard Devert. This month of July, it is entitled “Solidarity Economy: Passage towards fraternity…” Each month, Bernard Devert, founding president of Habitat and Humanism, shares with us his thoughts on the society around us, with its share of hope and worry… His editorial this month of … Read more

Disability: women more exposed – Face Face

2023-12-08 09:18:12 In France, 15% of women report being disabled compared to 13% of men. They represent 56% of all disabled people. More affected by debilitating chronic pathologies and illnesses, they are also less well taken care of. Without forgetting the influence of socio-cultural factors, such as violence, which alter their physical and mental health. … Read more

These new bank cards should make life easier for the visually impaired

2023-12-03 16:48:49 They recognize it straight away. Their idea was, initially, not designed to help disabled people. European leader in the manufacture of bank cards, the French company Idemia has developed a card equipped with a “biometric security” system. More concretely: a fingerprint reader which allows you to activate a payment without having to enter … Read more

This detail on the prosthesis of the first disabled astronaut could prevent him from going into space

2023-12-03 16:03:34 You cannot view this content because: You refused cookies associated with third-party content by subscribing. You will therefore not be able to play our videos which require third-party cookies to function. You are using an ad blocker. We advise you to deactivate it in order to access our videos. If you are not … Read more

“I didn’t feel disabled, I was just in denial”

2023-11-17 06:00:17 It was one day in February 2016, at the office: ” Everything happened really fast. My colleagues saw that my mouth was deforming, fortunately I was quickly taken care of. » Employed since 2012 by RTE, the company managing the electricity transmission network (9,500 employees), Frédérique Manceau suffered a stroke that day, which … Read more

Out of Stock: The Impact of Beyfortus on Preventive Treatment for Bronchiolitis in Babies

2023-11-01 05:45:00 NARRATIVE – Available on September 15 in pharmacies, this preventive treatment once morest serious forms of bronchiolitis in babies was out of stock following a week, forcing health authorities to review their strategy. «Hello, Madam? There is a new vaccine once morest bronchiolitis . The doctor gave you a prescription, you can come … Read more