“At the age I am…”: how Line Renaud, 95, remains strongly committed

End of life, sidaction… Line Renaud is a very committed woman. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Sidaction, the former magazine leader gave an interview to 7 Days TVthis Monday March 18, in which she discusses her commitment to the fight once morest AIDS, “the fight of [sa] vie”. “I threw myself into … Read more

Marie-Paule Belle talks about her fight against cancer: “It’s stupid to hide a health problem”

A difficult subject, but one that is important to talk regarding. Back on the scene with a new album entitled One evening among thousands, Marie-Paule Belle is also fighting cancer, alongside his career. A subject to which she returned, in the columns of the new issue of France Sunday, on newsstands this Friday, January 26. … Read more

In hospitals, 6,700 hospital beds closed in 2022, but no more places open in outpatient settings

2023-12-20 10:26:25 The trajectory initiated over the last twenty years continues. The hospital has fewer and fewer full hospitalization beds with the closure of 6,700 of them in 2022. As of December 31, 2022, the 2,976 public and private hospitals had exactly 374,290 full hospitalization beds, i.e. decrease of 1.8% compared to the previous year, … Read more

Exposed to heatwaves and floods, the CHU will benefit from renovation work

2023-12-19 18:03:12 Six million euros to “protect once morest major climatic events”. The Regional Health Agency (ARS) announced this Tuesday in a press release that it was releasing an envelope to allow the Bordeaux hospital center (Gironde) to carry out renovation work, although it has been very exposed in recent years. month to heatwaves or … Read more

The Link Between Nose Picking and Alzheimer’s Risk: Surprising Research Findings

2023-12-18 12:07:34 Researchers at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, have discovered that scratching your nose increases the risk of Alzheimer’s, more specifically “late-onset Alzheimer’s disease”, caused by a bacteria. Picking your nose may be a guilty pleasure for some, but it is nonetheless dangerous for your health. Sniffing in the nostrils actually increases the risk … Read more

Oysters banned from sale after collective food poisoning

2023-12-17 11:06:39 Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea concluded the meal. On December 9, while celebrating Sainte-Barbe in Saint-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie (Loire-Atlantique), around forty people, including around twenty firefighters, were victims of collective food poisoning. After analysis, it turns out that it was the oysters consumed by the guests which were contaminated by norovirus. Following this giant gastroenteritis, the … Read more

A very serious burn victim saved thanks to hemoglobin from marine worms

2023-12-16 14:08:26 This is a first in France on such a large skin surface, rejoices the Nantes University Hospital. During last summer, a patient with an 85% burn and whose vital prognosis was in jeopardy was cared for by teams from the burn center of the Nantes public hospital. The patient’s total body surface area … Read more