Exposed to heatwaves and floods, the CHU will benefit from renovation work

2023-12-19 18:03:12 Six million euros to “protect once morest major climatic events”. The Regional Health Agency (ARS) announced this Tuesday in a press release that it was releasing an envelope to allow the Bordeaux hospital center (Gironde) to carry out renovation work, although it has been very exposed in recent years. month to heatwaves or … Read more

New non-standard discharges from the Sanofi factory

2023-12-12 09:16:48 She is still talked regarding. The Sanofi factory in Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), which produces the drug Dépakine, released quantities of bromopropane more than 75 times higher than the authorized threshold, in mid-November, we learned on Monday from consistent sources, confirming a log information The world. On December 6, company representatives in Mourenx informed the … Read more

The Telethon between first medical victories and 95% of rare diseases still without treatment

2023-12-08 07:00:00 «20 years ago we only talked regarding tragedies and deaths», recalls Laurence Tiennot-Herment when she took over as president of the AFM-Téléthon. Since 2018, she has been delighted “a real acceleration of results and victories“. Thanks to donations, Généthon, the association’s laboratory, has enabled revolutionary breakthroughs in the understanding and even treatment of … Read more

Restaurateur indicted for “injuries and manslaughter”

2023-12-06 18:48:29 A restaurateur was indicted in the investigation into cases of botulism in Bordeaux. The owner of the Tchin Tchin Wine Bar in Bordeaux, “was referred” this Wednesday “for indictment on charges of “injuries and involuntary manslaughter”, “endangering the lives of others”, “non- assistance to people in danger” and “selling corrupt or toxic foodstuffs” … Read more

Resurgence of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-12-04 16:26:17 By Jean Cittone Published 2 hours ago, Updated 37 minutes ago The bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae was discovered in 1944 and initially mistaken for a virus because of its very small size. kasto / Infections with this bacteria, which can cause respiratory infections such as atypical pneumonia and sometimes require hospitalization, have been … Read more

More eco-friendly, “less irritating” and “elegant”, the fabric handkerchief is making a surprising comeback

2023-11-27 20:31:23 We would like to do without it. After an exceptionally warm start to autumn, the return of cold and humid weather favors the reappearance of colds and other viruses synonymous with runny nose. And that might last a few months, not counting spring allergies. For most French people, the reflex is to dig … Read more

Bordeaux at the top of the “most attractive” metropolises according to a new observatory

2023-11-17 17:47:00 Whether business leaders or employees, it is the metropolis of Bordeaux that they prefer. According to the first metropolis observatory Created by the Stan agency (business support) and Newton Offices (office operator), Bordeaux has been designated “the most attractive metropolis” among the twelve largest national metropolises. The survey was conducted by Odoxa last … Read more

These Irish people “came to have a good time and they almost lost their lives”

2023-11-16 19:13:13 Caitriona and Eoghan, a 36-year-old Irish couple, had organized their trip to the Gironde capital for the Rugby World Cup. But their dinner at the “Tchin Tchin Wine bar” on September 10, where they will share a jar of poorly sterilized sardines, will turn their stay into a nightmare. “They came to have … Read more