Collaborators and organization, a bidirectional well-being

Rosalinda Ballesteros

Rosalinda Ballesteros

The science of happines

Undoubtedly, in an organization, the search for well-being must be bidirectional: that the results of the operation are adequate and that people are happy, that they flourish.

What is the use of offering spaces and time for employees to practice Mindfulness to manage their stress, if they do not have the right work team, their rest periods are not respected, nor are they given training to perform their job?

In the midst of these circumstances, the organization may be sending its people the wrong message. You are telling him that he is ineffective at managing stress, which, far from helping, can lead to rejection. “If you give me a good environment, I won’t get stressed.”

Likewise, what good are happy employees if the company goes under?

Marisa Salanova, a Spanish researcher on work-related stress issues, created a healthy organization model with which she found that when there is a concurrent relationship between organizational practices and the personal resources of employees, a virtuous environment is created in which companies or Institutions achieve excellent results, while people also flourish, even in the most complex moments.

He called this “bidirectional well-being”

In other words, it is not enough to give employees physical or even mental health programs. Of course, it must be done, but also your policies and processes must be aligned so that people feel good. I am talking about all your processes, from the recruitment and development of talent, the evaluation of the performance cycle, the planning process, to, for example, the design of work meetings.

Recently I was talking about the focus on strengths with a group of businessmen and one of them questioned me and said: it is not enough that I know and use my strengths, in organizations people should be placed in positions according to them.

That is what we are talking about and a good leader like him is clear about it. This is precisely the two-way thinking in welfare issues, but often we need to put it into practice.

At the Institute of Well-being and Happiness Sciences we are precisely implementing “Factor Wellbeing” as a way to make a diagnosis and to provide tools that companies can use to design and implement their wellness plans that run on two-way super highways. Do you dare to try it?

The opinions published in this column are the responsibility of the author and do not represent any position on the part of Business Insider Mexico.

Two-Way Wellness | Jonas Cortes – Business Insider Mexico

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