Collision between truck and motorbike leaves three dead in Soyo – Jornal OPaís

Three people were burned to death on Friday night, on Estrada Nacional 100 (EN-100) following a road accident that occurred in the municipality of Soyo, Zaire province.

Characterized by a collision between a truck and a motorbike, the accident occurred around 11pm on the road section between the village of Tombe and the village of Soyo.

The spokesperson for the Zaire Provincial Command of the National Police, intendant Luís Bernardo, in statements this Saturday to ANGOP, explained that the three occupants of the motorcycle died on the spot, after a strong collision with a truck that was making a U-turn in an area of poor visibility of the EN-100.

“After the collision, the motorbike caught fire, leaving the three bodies charred,” he said, pointing to excessive speed, dangerous maneuvers and driving under the influence of alcohol as the likely causes of this deadly accident.

He said in this regard that, after the incident, the truck driver was subjected to a barometer test by traffic regulatory agents, and a blood alcohol level of 2.13 g/liter was found.

The bodies of the three victims were removed to the Soyo Municipal Hospital morgue.

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