Colors of the homeland | 7 signs that you have diabetes, including feeling thirsty and hungry

Some people look for signs that you have diabetes, since it is one of the most common chronic diseases that affect some, especially the elderly, but its early detection helps to treat the disease.

And people should when these signs appear on them continuously, to go to consult a doctor to make sure diabetes or not.

Signs that you have diabetes

There are signs that you have diabetes, according to Dr. Mohamed Abdel Mohsen, internal medicine consultant, during his talk to Al-Watan, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • Exhaustion and extreme fatigue when making any effort, without doing any hard work.
  • Feeling very thirsty and hungry, which makes the diabetic to overeat many meals and drinks throughout the day, contrary to his habit.
  • Frequent urination, feel diabetic patient He needs to go to the bathroom a lot throughout the day.
  • Double vision in the eyes, the patient feels a strong and noticeable weakness in vision.
  • Feeling of numbness in the hands or feet.
  • The appearance of many dark spots on the skin at the beginning of his exposure to diabetes, and they occur in separate places on his body.
  • Wounds heal very slowly, as a diabetic has a very difficult time healing his wounds in different parts of his body, unlike other people, who do not suffer from that disease.

Important foods and drinks to control diabetes rates in the body

There are some foods from vegetables and fruits, in addition to drinks that help control sugar levels in the body, the most prominent of which are “strawberries, spinach, beans, water, cinnamon and ginger.”

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