Combat Fluid Retention: Tips for Relief and Prevention

2023-12-28 22:45:32

Fluid retention is a common disorder that affects many people, causing excessive fluid buildup in the body’s tissues. During the high temperature season, this problem can worsen, causing a feeling of swelling and constant heaviness in the legs, ankles, hands and abdomen.

How to combat fluid retention?

To combat fluid retention and relieve annoying symptoms, it is important to follow some healthy habits. Staying active and exercising regularly can stimulate circulation and reduce fluid retention. Low-impact aerobic activities, such as walking, swimming or cycling, are recommended, always adapted to the abilities of each person.

Diet plays a crucial role in controlling this condition. Reducing sodium consumption is essential, since excess salt causes the body to retain more water. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods rich in sodium, such as pre-cooked meals, salty snacks, canned foods, sausages and fatty cheeses.

In addition to sodium, there are other foods that we should avoid or limit in our diet. Fried foods, rich in saturated fats, as well as sodas and sugary drinks, can overload the kidney and liver due to excess additives and artificial colorings.

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Recommended foods for fluid retention

Instead of processed foods, it is recommended to consume fresh and natural foods. It is beneficial to include cucumbers, watermelon, asparagus and pineapple in your diet, as they help combat fluid retention. Whole grains and spices can also be added instead of salt to season foods.
Adequate water intake is also essential. Although it may seem contradictory, drinking enough water helps eliminate excess fluids and maintain good kidney function. It is recommended to start with at least 8 glasses of water a day.

It is important to keep in mind that each person is different, so the elimination of fluid retention may vary in each case. In mild cases, changing diet and lifestyle may be enough to improve. However, in more severe and chronic cases, it may be necessary to enlist the help of a health professional.

Therefore, if you suffer from fluid retention, it is important to adopt healthy habits, follow a balanced diet, reduce sodium consumption and stay active. Remember that taking care of your well-being is essential to have a healthier life free of discomfort caused by this condition.

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