The Joy and Pain of the Presentation of the Child: A Reflection on Salvation and Sacrifice

2023-12-29 06:24:12

In the story of the Birth, with its star, the songs of the angels, the announcement to the shepherds and all the details full of symbolism we see the dazzling light of salvation and in contrast the foreshadowing of the redemptive sacrifice that will be fully fulfilled by the now newborn. Today’s Gospel presents us with the joy of the presentation of the Child but also the sword of pain that will reach the heart of his Mother.

Joseph and Mary, faithful Jews, both of the lineage of David, knew well the prescriptions of the rites and how to behave in the Temple. Luke’s story is the “composition of place” of the fourth joyful mystery in the recitation of the rosary… And it is good that we pay attention to the care of the Holy Family in respect for the liturgy. And that we learn from them. The Sacrosanctum Concilium Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy states that “every liturgical celebration, because it is the work of Christ the priest and his Body, which is the Church, is a sacred action par excellence, whose effectiveness, with the same title and to the same degree, No other action of the Church matches it.” Sometimes we consider the rites as something secondary… Maybe it would be good to read again this Constitution signed by Paul VI in Rome, in Saint Peter’s, on December 4, 1963…

And, after explaining how all the rites had to be fulfilled, the evangelical passage presents the initial encounter with Simeon, his joy at recognizing in the little boy the Savior expected for centuries and his request: “Now Lord, according to your promise, you can leave your servant go in peace. For my eyes have seen your Savior, whom you have presented before all people: light to enlighten the nations | and glory of your people Israel” and the announcement of how salvation would pierce the heart of the Mother.”

As in the portal of Bethlehem, the joy and pain of sacrifice appear united. That’s how it is and that’s how it will be for each of us. May we trust in the happiness that awaits us and say like Simeon: Now Lord, you can let your servant go in peace. Also like Mary, Mother of hope, Cause of our joy and Sorrowful Mother.

#Gospel #Reflection #Homily #Friday #December

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