How to Make Delicious Apple Lazy Cake: Follow these steps!

2024-08-13 19:00:13

Ingredient list

Cream: 100g

Sugar: 200g

Flour 0000: 200g

Big Apple: 2

Milk: 1 cup

Eggs: 2

Teach you step by step how to make this exquisite lazy apple cake

once All materials are at handyou must follow this Detailed steps make one Delicious lazy cake. Please pay attention!

Step 1
put in bowl cold butter cubes, along with sugar and flour. With all these ingredients you have to Sandblastingjust use your fingertips.

Step 2
in a Cream mold Lined with aluminum foil or manteca, Place half of the mixture on the bottom of the mold and press.

Step 3
put apple slices and cover Sandblast with the rest.

Step 4
at last, Mix milk with eggs and pour over cake.. Sprinkle with sugar if you like.

Step 5
baked in Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 30 minutesAbout.

Step 6
Cool and serve with whipped cream.

Ready and happy!

The secret recipe for lazy apple cake

Apart from whipped creamthis Can serve lazy apple cake or accompany others Your favorite products to pair with fruit. don’t stop trying until you discover your secret And share it with the people you love most.

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