Competition Bureau Investigates Meta’s Blocking of News: A Threat to Canadian Journalism

2023-08-08 11:24:05

News publishers and broadcasters are calling for a Competition Bureau investigation into Meta’s blocking of news on its platforms, in response to the imminent entry into force of Bill C-18.

News Media Canada, CBC/Radio-Canada and the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) thus requested an investigation, Tuesday, from the Competition Bureau, denouncing the “anti-competitive” behavior of the web giant which, by blocking news, could harm Canadian journalism.

The plaintiffs said they want the Competition Bureau to use its investigative and judicial powers to protect competition in Canada by prohibiting Meta from continuing to block Canadians’ access to journalistic content on its digital platforms.

“By deciding to block news content from its digital platforms, Meta seeks to undermine the ability of Canadian news organizations to be able to compete in the news publishing and online markets,” they said. declared. .

“If Meta is allowed to act with impunity, it could cause significant damage to the ability of Canadian news organizations to deliver quality news services to Canadians, which is essential to the functioning of a functioning society. free and democratic”, we also warned.

#News #blocking #Meta #Competition #Bureau #investigation #demanded

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