Compiegne. More than 4000 bras collected against breast cancer

Elodie Gossuin was in the premises of the Cpam of Compiègne, to present two checks to Isabelle Soula, president of Perpestives contre le cancer, and to Carole Lottin, who represented Elisabeth Carola, president of the Oise committee of the League against cancer . Photo: Cpam of Oise

More than 4000 bras were collected October 2022 in Oise. This made it possible to generate more than €2,200, donated to two associations of breast cancer screeningover there CPAM (Primary health insurance fund), organizer of this collection called Bring your bra. This official check presentation took place in the presence of host Elodie Gossuin.

The sale raised €786.35, to which is added the €1,500 paid by Emmaüs, as an advance on the continued sale of bras in the coming months. Each bra is sold for €1 each.

Which makes a total of €2,286.35, an amount officially given to the association Prospects against Cancer and the Oise Committee of the league against cancer.

Resold bras in good condition

In addition to the three CPAM agencies in Oise (Beauvais, Creil and Compiègne, where the checks were delivered), around twenty structures took part in this collection of bras: health establishments, municipalities, communities of municipalities, associations …

A group of women from the Boutique Solidarité Emmaüs took care of sorting the bras: used ones for recycling and those in good condition for resale.

And since November 2022, these bras in good condition have been resold by Grenier Vert, a community recycling center in Thieuloy-Saint-Antoine, and by Emmaüs in Beauvais.

Breast cancer, the most common and deadliest in women

A clinical breast examination (palpation) by a healthcare professional is recommended every year from the age of 25. Between the ages of 50 and 74, with no symptoms or risk factors other than age, a mammogram every two years, supplemented if necessary by an ultrasound, is recommended.

For the period 2020-21, the rate of use of screening (organized and individual) is 65% for Oise, and 62% for Hauts-de-France. The organized screening rate is 49% for Oise in 2020-2021).

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in France. It has nearly 59,000 new cases every year. It is responsible for 12,100 deaths each year.

Elodie Gossuin, with representatives of the Cpam, the Emmaus associations, Perspectives against cancer, and the Oise committee of the League against cancer. Photo: Cpam of Oise

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