Complaint that treatment was denied to a child bitten by a dog

Varappuzha: A one-and-a-half-year-old toddler was bitten by a snake. He complained that he was denied treatment at Nammav Family Health Center. The incident happened on Tuesday evening at five o’clock.
Koonammav swadeshi Maniyamthara house Tinson-Rimita couple She has been raising her one and a half year old daughter at home for two and a half months. Koonamam was brought to the family health center after being bitten by an elderly dog. Th.
The complaint is that the doctor in charge here behaved badly. They arrived around 5.30 pm with a small child and the OP told them that the time had passed and so on. The complaint is that the doctor knocked and said that there are no residents. They also say that the doctor called them bad. Then they took the baby to the Ernakulam Government Hospital. Lethi was taking the vaccine and returning at night.
The child’s parents complained to the DMO and the Health Minister. The couple said that the doctor, who is a resident of the area, cheated on them. Says
Due to shortage of doctors, temporary doctor is here at that time. He was on duty here.

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