Connected: Josie is a stat addict and forces the secretary to have sex with him, what should I do?? What Mabrouk Attia said shocked all Egyptians! (video)

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One of the women surprised Dr. Mabrouk Attia, a specialist in religious sciences, with an unexpected question about her husband and his women’s relationships.

She said that her husband is addicted to women and forces secretaries to have sex and holds promiscuity parties in his house, stressing that she divorced him because of his bad manners.

She was afraid that her husband’s sins would be a reason for God to take revenge on him with his daughters, but Dr. Attia said to her: God forbid that he take revenge on anyone but the guilty one.

And he added: Our Lord, Glorified and Exalted be He, says ((and do not bear the burden of another burden)). Ikrimah was a companion and his father was Abu Jahl Amra Ibn Hisham, so the Prophet forbade Muslims to curse Abu Ikrima so that they would not harm his son.

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